Khuvsgul Lake is a favorite tourist destination because of its scenic natural beauty. Thankfully, shuttle services are available to help tourists explore Khuvsgul and surrounding places. If you’re looking for an shuttle in Murun, Lake Region, Murun airport shuttle is here! Relax, we’ll drive.

  • Seats up to 5 passengers in air-conditioned comfort
  • Trained drivers who are familiar with the area
  • Shuttle bus rental is more cost-effective than flight
  • Service in all of Khusvgul Lake area

Between Murun airport & Khuvsgul Lake (Khatgal village & Jankhai Shore)

Route: Between Murun airport & Khuvsgul Lake (Khatgal village & Jankhai Shore)
Total distance: one way 120 km, round trip 240 km
Road: 100% paved road
Expected driving duration: 2 hours for one way

Car type: sedan car & jeep
Model: Toyota prius, Lexus LX470
Capacity: 3-4 passangers

Price: 130 USD per car for one way transportation included fuel cost

Between Ulaanbaatar & Khuvsgul Lake (Khatgal village & Jankhai Shore)

If you’re transporting a small group of people to go to Khuvsgul Lake, a shuttle bus rental may be the perfect solution for you. TGM offers easy, cost-effective, and stress-free group transportation. Our drivers are trained for efficiency and safety, and shuttle van rental prices are better than what you’ll get from a taxi or ride-sharing service.

Route: Between Ulaanbaatar & Khuvsgul Lake (Khatgal village & Jankhai Shore)
Total distance: one way 900 km, round trip 1,800 km
Road: 100% paved road
Expected driving duration: 12 hours for one way

Car type: minivan
Model: Toyota Alphard, Mistubishi Delica, Hyundai Starex
Capacity: 4-5 passangers

Price: 600 USD per car for one way transportation

Included: fuel cost, driver’s food & accommodation

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