Contacting us is very easy. We provide you with all kinds of communication tools and respond quickly.
Email Correspondence
Email to We are very quick on email correspondence.
Messenger Contacts
Reach to Ganzo (Ganzorig Tsogtoo) via below messengers & chats.
WhatsApp: +976 99811918
Viber: +976 99811918
WeChat: +976 99811918
Zalo: +976 99811918
Line: +976 99811918
Facebook messenger: Ganzorig Tsogtoo
Facebook page messenger: Travel Gobi Mongolia
Please click on one of the images below to enlarge it and scan it through the corresponding application.

Phone Call
Ganzorig Tsogtoo (sales): +976 99811918
Odbayar Erdenebaatar (operation manager): +976 88701918
Office: +976 77571918 (available 09:00 – 18:00)
Address: #602, TST Building, Dund Gol Street, Bayangol District, Ulaanbaatar