This page presents an introduction to the most commonly used vehicles in the Mongolian tourism industry. If you are going to travel in Mongolia, you will travel in one of these cars. These vehicles are all 4×4 vehicles. Mongolia’s road conditions are poor and there is little paved road network, so a reliable car is important for travel.
Russian van
Mongolians call this car purgon. Purgon can carry 6 tourists. Without a translator driver. No air con. No seat belts. Larger body allows for more cargo. More suitable for field trip adventure travel. Interestingly, young travelers like this car more. Young people take photos in different positions. Especially Asian travelers. This car drives no more than 80 km/h on paved roads.

Mitsubishi Delica
This car is also commonly used in Mongolian tourism industry. With air con. Can carry 4 tourists at a time. Without a translator driver. More suitable for Gobi Desert and Khangai region tours. Similar to this car, the Korean Hyundai Starix is also widely used in the tourism industry.

Toyota Land Cruiser series
Everyone knows this car. Currently, the 100 and 200 series are more widely used in Mongolia’s tourism industry. Only 3 tourists can be transported at a time.

Other vehicles
Cars like Hyandai Starix and Toyota Haice are also used in Mongolia’s tourism sector.