Are you planning a short trip to Mongolia? Here you will find a wide range of high-quality Mongolia 2 day trips, including Trans-Mongolian train stopovers, Ulaanbaatar city tours and the most fascinating national parks. Natural beauty, varied landscapes, Mongolian history, and nomadic based culture will all be integrated into compact Mongolia trip packages lasting only 2 days.

  • Improved tour itineraries from year to year
  • The best itineraries for time use

With two days in Ulaanbaatar, you’ll have ample time to see the city’s main attractions as well as visit one of the neighboring national parks, which are famed for their stunning beauty, wildlife, and outdoor activities. Here are some ideas for making the most of your 48 hours around Ulaanbaatar. The most popular two-day tour is the Gorkhi-Terelj and Khustai National Parks tour. We also have a two-day Gobi tour. A two-day trip from Ulaanbaatar to the sights of central Mongolia is also included. Other trips, such as winter and festivals, are also shown below.


However, in the event of a Covid-19, you may request a solo or private trip, and you may be able to travel separately without being contacted by others.

Choose your Mongolia 2 day trips from here

Explore below trips designed by local TGM specialists to get ideas for your trip to Mongolia. All of these trips are short join tours, which means you travel in small groups. You will travel with 8-10 guests like you for a few days. But some trips may be in private based. In winter, our groups are small. Sometimes there are no people at all. However, this is possible if you want to take a private trip alone or with a traveling companion. Tell your travel consultant your request.

To book a package, check out this section. Or contact us to receive a customized itinerary from a local itinerary specialist.