What is local ger guest house of Mongolia? Some nomadic people who live within national park area have their own small business for ger accommodation for backpackers. Staying there gives you a chance to get closely acquainted with the way of life and culture of the Mongolian people.
- Staying in local ger guesthouse is fun. Most of the local ger guesthouses are real nomadic people and they have their own cattle. So you can see or participate daily job of the nomadic people.
- While the tourist ger camps are open only in summer, local ger guesthouses are also work in winter. Because they live there.
- Local ger guesthouses are getting better every year. So when you visit, there may be more service than you expect.

The families built extra several gers around their home for renting to the tourists. A ger usually has 4 beds. But don’t worry, no one other than your tour group will stay at your ger. Drivers and guides stay at separate ger.

Food Service
Some well running guesthouses offer food service for their customers. They usually serve authentic Mongolian meals or Russian styled western meals. You can even cook your own food at your ger if you want. In recent years, the food service of the local ger guesthouse has been constantly improving.

Shower & Toilet
Most of local ger guesthouses do not have formal toilets, so you can expect to find is a designated toilet trench that may be screened on four sides. However, some guesthouses in central areas have modern toilets.
Most local ger guesthouses have shower facilities. If some them do not have bathing facilities, you can pay for bathing in places such as sub provincial centers and tourist ger camps. So you can bathe every day.

There is no electricity at the some local ger guesthouses specially located far away from village or town. The local ger guesthouses that are close to residential areas or close to central power lines have electricity. However, guesthouses have solar panels and power generators to charge phones and cameras. So that means you can charge your devices every day.