domestic flight in Mongolia
domestic flight in Mongolia

When you search Mongolian package tours on the Internet, you will find that the prices of domestic flights are not included in the actual tour price. Why?

There are 3-4 companies that operate domestic flights in Mongolia. MIAT, Hunnu Air, Aero Mongolia, Eznis Airways, etc. These companies operate flights to major tourist destinations and fares vary. Therefore, there are cases where travel companies do not include domestic flights in the actual trip in order to keep the price of the trip realistic. It saves you money.

For our company, the cost of domestic flights is not included in the travel price. Except for few group tours, all tours do not include domestic flights. However, we were always able to book your domestic flight tickets for you. Sometimes we can find unbelievably cheap tickets. So check it with us & leave your ticketing needs to us.

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